Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The New Word...."Whatever"~

The last two weeks have to say the least been a struggle.  It's probably the lack of sleep, the events that went on, the events that were witnessed, the lack of sleep...oh, I said that already.  Sometimes it makes you put things in perspective or just simply say "Whatever."
Do the little things in life really matter?
Who matters the most to you?
I had a wonderful mother that came and stood by the whole time (minus a day or two) while Josh was in the hospital.  Just the support was wonderful.  I had family and friends that would call or text to see if I was okay or if I needed anything...this meant a lot and was what I needed to make it through the day. The R.S. took care of feeding the men folk (even though they are old enough to fend for themselves), that first day was hairy, so it was truly a blessing.  We had a family bring us dinner the day we got home.  Another blessing. Sometimes it's the little things that make your life easier that matters.
People have asked, "how Josh is"...our simple reply..."He's Home"...That's all that matters!
Did the surgery go well...yes..did the recovery go well...NO!
But that doesn't matter...we take it a day at a time, sometimes a minute at a time...that's what matters.
Yesterday wasn't a good day, I really needed my DC...bahaha! So I decided whatever might be upsetting me or irritating me I would simply say "Whatever, it doesn't matter."
I think I might stick with that philosophy for right now.

1 comment:

Tamara said...

I really admire you and your outlook. I think that perspective is good and DC always helps with perspective. Especially a Sonic DC!!