Thursday, October 13, 2011

All State

The weekend of Josh's surgery, Bryant had the opportunity to be in All-State choir. It's a little different then Colorado and Arizona.  The directors pick you to be in it.  So Bryant memorized all the songs, went to all the practices and then had the performance on Saturday in the Tabernacle.  We were blessed to have Grammy visiting so she could hear this beautiful music.  Charlie came up with a date and we took a special someone for Bryant with us.  Can I just say, it was amazing.  I would post pictures, but mine didn't turn out.  Kinda blurry and dark.  Sorry!  
At the concert they had Weber choir there, sorry, but they took way to long and to many of the same kind of accapella songs that the audience really didn't want to hear. Most of the audience was there to hear their child sing in this amazing choir!  Dr. Mack Wilberg (you know the one that leads MoTab) was their conductor. AWESOME!  Bryant was able to get his signature on one of the pieces he composed...
"Come Thou Fount"
It was definitely what I needed to hear.

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