Monday, September 9, 2013

A Great Weekend

We have had the opportunity of getting to know a pretty neat young lady.  Her name is Emily :)
It all kinda started last November at Dancesport...
From the start I knew there was something special about her.  She was brought up by goodly parents, her standards were high, she had a good personality, very talented and beautiful.
So Charlie started to date her.  
We knew she wasn't a member of the church, but it really didn't matter.  She had all the standards and was supportive in all the events that come with being a member of the church.  
Towards the end of the summer, we had the privilege of having the missionaries begin teaching Emily, or rather Emily was teaching them.  She already knew quiet a bit about our religion.  She had definitely done her homework which was great because it made the missionaries squirm to find something she didn't already know.
I won't go into all the lessons, just that she was comfortable in having them done in our home.
Well...this past weekend, she was baptized by the missionaries.  She had roommates, friends, a coach and some of our family there to support her as well as our bishop and lovely wife.  Emily organized the program which was beautiful.  We had a little lunch after at our house where her friends could come and enjoy each others company. Sunday the Bishop confirmed her  with Charlie and Doug joining in the circle.  

Congratulations again, Emily.

1 comment:

Crissie said...

That's awesome! She sounds like a great gal. Congrats Emily.