Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Shoulder Update

Yesterday we went to the Orthopedic Surgeon again.  Why?  The therapist that Bry has been seeing suggested that we see him due to the chronic pain Bry has been in with his shoulder.  He has regained some of the mobility in his shoulder...some.  So we cancelled therapy until further notice.  I figure why pay for therapy if we are just going to have a possibility of just didn't make any sense.  Because of the pain and lack of mobility especially after 5 months since his original surgery, they sent us for an MRI.  We are having this done, in an hour or so. Then on Monday they will discuss the results and we will see what are next steps are.
Worse case scenario: Torn rotator cuff (they think due to lack of healing he might have done this in the mission field with all the service, snow shoveling...etc) surgery and between 3 to 6 months in a sling, then returning to the mission
Best case scenario: It's healing, they will inject Bry will steroid shots and a different type of therapy, he will return to the mission.
I absolutely hate waiting.  It seems our family has done this before and has received rotten news on a Monday...maybe, praying...this Monday is different.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Hoping for the best! Your family will be in our prayers!