Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Family Letter

This is the Robert's Family Letter of Events for the Year

Charlie is in his Junior year at BYU. He has reached one of his goals of making the BYU Ballroom Touring Team which competes during the summer in Blackpool England. Charlie and his partner  have done pretty well considering they only started dancing together during the summer. Charlie was also a counselor at EFY for the 2nd year this past summer and thoroughly enjoyed it. He is excited for this next fall semester as it will include many touring dates and performances, National Dancesport competition, and then some pretty intense rehearsal schedule for Blackpool.

Joshua didn't have the opportunity to finish up his last semester in school.  He has been playing tag with the hospital. We are very lucky to have this son still around.  After 6 surgeries since February, lots of oxygen and patience with our favorite surgeon..He is on the road to recover (fingers crossed) We have learned through Josh, that you just can't take a day for granted.  No matter how crappy that day may be, something beautiful happened.
Bryant probably had the most happen to him this year.  He finished off his last season of Lacrosse playing with Varsity, He went on Choir tour to Seattle with his little brother (they had a blast), Graduated from High School with a 3.5 GPA, Prepared for a mission, went through the temple, and...left on a mission. WHEW! While in the MTC he re-injured his shoulder which resulted in his first surgery. So yes, I had two sons in two different hospitals, having 2 different surgeries! He has been reassigned to the Referral Center until it is completely healed and then will continue on to Minnesota where he was called to serve, just like his Dad.
Jacob got to be in choir with his older brother and enjoy Seattle with him on tour. Turned a sweet 16, got his drivers license, received his Eagle, and is attending a completely different high school. He has started his love of lacrosse and hopes to be on one of the 4 teams at Bingham in the spring.  Even though he is attending a different high school, he has had the opportunity of going on a variety of dates and dances with some pretty neat young ladies. He loves to work out. Jacob is trying to adjust to being the "only" child at home.
Doug has been prayerfully putting in over 30 applications to try and find full time.  We thought we almost had one, but I guess Heavenly Father has something else in store for us. He still works at 2 different middle schools for the 2 different districts. Doug is going on his 3rd year of not having a calling besides being a home teacher, haven't a clue why...but again, it's not in our hands. He has been so patient and helps whenever he can with Josh and the other boys.  His talent of building and fixing up things are a wonderful gift in our home. I am going on my 3rd year of teaching Gospel Doctrine. Joy! This year has been a struggle to find joy to tell you the honest truth. My emotions have gotten the better of me and sometimes that has effected my attitude.  I'm grateful to family and a wonderful friend who has kept me in line and have shown me unconditional love. 

It has been a full year for the Roberts' family. We have seen and witness many tender mercies of our Heavenly Father and are grateful to have a testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

Teresa Z. Roberts said...

Life is Good. God is GREAT!!! Hugs :-)