Saturday, March 5, 2011

Full Week A Head...hang on....

Events this week:
Another scopin for Josh - YIPEE

This is Tech week for Bry's Musical that goes up the 14th, 15th, 17th - 19th.

Then we get VISITORS from AZ..hope they don't freeze...hahah!

Jacob's mock trial where last Friday he being one of the main attorney's won the competition!
This Friday he is on the defense team...fingers cross they win!



Yes, I will be tired after it's all said and done!


MOM & DAD said...

Congratulations on winning the moot court competition!!! Good luck on your defense team competition - we're rootin' for you!!!

We hope things go well with your next scope and that you are given some correct information that will be helpful.

It's exciting to us to learn of your progress in ballroom dancing. In the videos and pictures of you dancing you look GREAT!!! I (grandpa) have the same problem of looking down while dancing. I wish I would have been clued in long ago. I had no idea that you were supposed to have a tan when you compete in ballroom dancing. I would be concerned about possible harmful effects from tanning, whether done by the sun or by the method you described in your blog. Much success to you in your upcoming competitions!!!

We are happy that you are in another musical. We wish we could be there to see you. Enjoy the journey.

Grandpa and Granpma Roberts

LaNae said...

Good Luck with everything!

Charlie Roberts said...

Thanks everyone for the well wishes. It is getting down to crunch time. BAH! As for the tanning, true competitive ballroom dancing nearly requires you to be tan by the beds, spray, or makeup if you want to be taken seriously. As both of my coaches have expressed to me, you have to control the variables you can control because there is a lot you can't while your dancing.Tanning, slicking your hair back and having proper attire are some of those controllable variables. So for now, in my youth (or what is left) I shall do what I can to look the part with the least degree of cancer causing chemicals and UV rays possible :)