Monday, November 29, 2010

A New Week - Josh Update

The weekend has been a little stressful with Josh not being able to hold liquids down and getting dehydrated.  How do you get dehydrated in the hospital, I haven't clue, but evidently Josh knows how.  They have been drawing lots of blood and found the kidneys are working, just not happy as the doctor puts it.  Meaning that they are  a little slow with riding the body of toxins.  His vitals are coming up and they will be putting him on a humidifier due to his nose drying out from all the oxygen he's getting and getting a little bloody.  He is asking for his "lama" juice which is wonderful and actually hasn't thrown up since yesterday early afternoon.  WHEW!  He is on a new shot for blood thinning which make him very mad...they stick it right into his stomach...not pleasant and the last techie that took the blood couldn't get it drawn the first, second or third time...yes you almost had to hold me back from knocking him aside the head!  He finally got it and we haven't heard what the results are.  Josh is resting and even says he needs to be he's a little more alert and wants to take his balloons home...(thanks Aunt Becky!)
As for the rest of the family, Charlie made it home before the snow came.  Then the boys have been wonderful in getting the house cleaned and getting the outside lights up for me.  Loved it.  We have had snow, I mean was yucky and I was worried the cars wouldn't make it but thankfully via texting, Bry made it safe with the Ford and Doug with Jacob made it safe in the Nissan.  WHEW!
There is our life in a nut shell.

1 comment:

Julie said...

thanks for taking time to good to hear that Josh's vitals are improving! The Allen bunch is thinking of you all and will continue to pray for you guys!