Monday, October 18, 2010


In Josh's blog, I wrote about what tomorrow's appointment will bring.  Some might ask, why are we doing this, isn't there anything else out there that can help him. For those's your answer:  WE'VE TIRED EVERYTHING!  How many times does one of your children say they don't feel good and you feel helpless.  Medicines don't work, home remedies don't work, herbal crap doesn't what do you do...for over 15 years we've been doing this and finally someone has the intellect of suggesting surgery.  There has been questions of is this the best for parents, we think so.  Some might think it's an easy decision, but I look on the bright side, whatever surgery that WILL take place could change Josh for the better.  He won't complain about his stomach hurting which then will mean a happy Josh.  He'll want to go outside and interact with his brothers more...YAH!  How can it be a bad thing?  Seriously?  People are out there that try and find the negative in different situations, I'm passed that point with Josh.  Maybe it's because he's older, we've been there, done that, got many t-shirts to prove know it's time to be happy.  Enjoy life with Josh being happy.
That's our decision and we're sticking with it!

1 comment:

MOM & DAD said...

We will continue to pray for Josh and his parents. All three names are on the Mesa Temple prayer roll. We are sure both parents have prayed for guidance and have received answers to their pleadings. We love and admire you!