Friday, December 26, 2014


Christmas was a little different this year, but filled with wonderful memories to help heal the heart.  We wanted to see some lights we had never seen before and thankfully we had heard about "The tree of Light" display.  It was magnificent.

We decided this year we really didn't want to be in our home for Christmas and Doug's family was having a HUGE celebration (more on that to come)...why not make the trip to AZ?

My parents neighborhood usually gets bus loads, that's right...bus loads of people coming to see their lights.  So Jacob and I decided to take the tour.  

The day before Christmas my family of boys needed their hair cut (except Charlie who was with his family back East).  This was my first time giving my dad a trim.  I was scared stiff.

Here is just how awesome my family is.  This is my brother-in-law who happens to be the bishop of his ward.  Yes, he long boards among other things.  He and one of his beautiful daughters were delivering a goodie plate to a neighbor.  Now, that's style :)

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