Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Finding Happiness

Sometimes finding your happy mojo isn't always easy.  I've looked at past pictures as well as present pictures of myself and have found that my happy mojo isn't what it use to be.  I don't know if it's because some friendships have changed, life challenges are wearing me down or what…
But something has got to change.  I've been trying to read my scriptures/ensigns on a regular basis.  I've even set a goal for some indexing. Still I find it a struggle.  In public, it seems as though everything is nifty and dandy, but at home….well…there is another story and it's wearing me down.
Don't get me wrong, my life isn't all sadness….right now it's just a little more frustrating then I'd like it to be. Thankfully my boys, husband, close family members and my sister from another mother help me find joy in the little things.
One day, the little things will outshine the bigger.

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