Thursday, July 11, 2013

Vacation 2013

 It all started out on Sunday Morning....Father's Day to be exact. We decided to leave for AZ after some of Doug's Sunday Meetings and maybe surprise Grammy and Grampy.
We haven't made this trip since all the surgeries Josh has gone through, so we really didn't know what we were in for.

 Even though we stopped every hour to hour and a half..the ride wasn't too bad, all had smiles...

Jacob found a picture of all the grandkids when they were young (oldest down to before Bry) all lined up by the diving board with their floaties on. So he wanted to join with them.  Yes, that's Bry in the background being funny.  We sure loved having a pool in the backyard during our stay. The boys also brought their Italian jersey's to help them "think" about Charlie when he arrived in Italy on his European tour. The sign...well...we found that in a scarey part of town at our favorite stop, a QT.
Which by the way Utah really NEEDS one!

 We had the opportunity of seeing one of our nieces go through the temple for her first time as well as a nephew in preparation for a mission.  Then as a surprise another niece went through towards the end of the week (I just don't have a picture) Doug also had a nephew on his side get married.  It was a full temple type vacation...but whose complaining.  That is the new Gilbert temple being built, it's gorgeous.  Then the picture of the cousins either married or going/have gone/will go again on missions, and another set of three musketeers. All grown up.

One day we had the opportunity of joining these cutie patooties for lunch.  They are soooo adorable! Plus a shopping trip with my sister to a "really" fun store :)

It was a week of memories that will last forever.  We sure do appreciate all the family and their patience with our family especially with Josh. We love you all.

Shhhh he is sleeping :)

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