Monday, May 20, 2013


I don't know really what to title this blog...maybe at the end I will.  I have had quiet a few things on my mind lately.  I've been through all types of emotions with I'm sure more to come.
Recently things have bothered me a little more then usual. I think I just need a break to find my happy place again and I just need to deal.
So I'm blogging...
Wednesday Jacob went to YM's where they talked about how to treat youth that have disabilities.  They had 2 mothers there and a leader that evidently taught in the special needs classes 20 years ago. My son said one of the mothers did a fantastic job and was really cool about the whole thing.  The other mother (in my opinion) is still searching for a cure for Autism.  Good luck with that! She basically (according to my son) gave information/data she has been collecting regarding a cure. She also said there has been many cases where after a child has been diagnosed, 6 months later they are more Autism.  Really? my opinion. The leader...well we all know times have changed in 20 years.  
Then Jacob was approached by quiet a few asking why didn't we come and talk about Josh...I don't really know why we didn't or we weren't asked.  I mean for crying out loud, ALL my boys have had to deal with ignorant people their whole lives when it comes to dealing with a brother as special as Josh.  
Don't get me wrong, Jacob loved the activity and had a good time, but why didn't they ask? 
See this is something that bothered me. I know we keep quiet about all the happenings with Josh, but for real...I have 18+ years over the mother who apparently is still in denial! My husband just says it's "Whatever" ....UGH!
Then yesterday there was a minor little thingy that again got a little on my nerves.  When person A was conducting and person B commented about why she couldn't be there on one of the dates spoken about, person A just kinda laughed and shrugged her off.  Now I believe and I could be wrong that person B has some type of disability, so to be laughed at or shrugged at because of a comment that apparently made no sense to person A, should have been addressed a little better.  
Who teaches the adults how to act around those with disabilities?
I think they ought to know better.
Ugh...Now that I've blogged about it...maybe I can let it go and continue my search for a happy place!

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