Thursday, May 3, 2012

Senior Stuff

 Bryant's Tribal's not worries

 All senior Lacrosse players get their head shaved before the last home game.  Well, since it's 3 days before Prom, I wasn't going to let Bryant get his head shaved.  So we compromised. He went to a ligit barber who did this jaguar design in the back.  The front haircut is clean and short.  I do have to say...It's SAHWEET lookin!

We finally got around to taking Bryant's Senior Pictures.  A good friend of ours was willing to work around Bryant's busy schedule and take some great shots.  This is just one I took with my phone, not bad though.
We are still trying to decide which one to put with his graduating announcements and which ones to make into a collage for the party after graduation.  
I just can't believe he is a senior! 

1 comment:

LaNae said...

It is soooo hard to believe Cassie and Bryant are going to be graduates! He looks great!