Tuesday, August 2, 2011

How Does this Make me FEEL?

That's right folks...today my BABY got his permit!~ 
oh my HEAVENS!!!!
That means 1 year of training...more gray hairs, more gray hairs...lot's of tears!
I can do this!
No, he doesn't have his Eagle.
But, here in Utah you have to have your permit for a year before you get your license and Jacob WILL have his Eagle by next August 2nd 2012!
Actually he is really close to getting it..so no worries and grades...bahahah...no worries.
Here is our little story about obtaining it:
We get all ready to go and drive 20 minutes, fill out the information form and told we needed Jacob's SS card!
CRAP! it's at home.
So I drive back, then return to the DMV.
Jacob goes through all the lines and questions and then the test!
His first attempt...failed by 1 question...got a 78% and you need an 80%
(Bry did this also)
Jacob takes it again (you can take it 2x in a day if you want)
and only MISSES 2!  Yah....he passed with flying colors.
So on the way home, do you think he wants to learn anything. 
It's going to be a long year!
Pray for me!

1 comment:

Malma said...

Good luck...heeheehee